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Commentaires - Future Kia Sports Coupé Concept à Francfort


Future Kia Sports Coupé Concept à Francfort

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Si la plate forme est la même que le futur Hyundai Coupé (Tiburon aux USA), ce coupé pourrait être une propulsion avec moteur longitudinal !

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Dabe, tu confonds la Tiburon avec le modèle qui va venir au dessus avec V6 + prop voire même V8...

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ci-joint le communiqué de Presse en anglais arrivé après la news : "Kia To Reveal Sports Coupe Concept Car At Frankfurt Show - Kia chief designer Peter Schreyer reveals 'preview image' - All-new sports coupe concept to make world premiere on 11 September Kia Motors Corporation has confirmed that the company's all-new sports coupe concept car will make its world premiere at this year's Frankfurt International Motor Show on 11 September. The new concept car, whose name remains secret at present, is a 2+2 coupe with an imposing road presence. It was conceived by Kia's design team in Europe under the guidance of Chief Design Officer, Peter Schreyer, and manufactured in Europe. Revealing the first 'preview image' of the new car, Schreyer enthused, "Kia has given me the opportunity to shape its whole brand design and character. Seldom does a designer have such a clean sheet with which to work. "We started this exciting journey with the Kia ex_cee'd cabrio concept at the Geneva Show back in March, and at Frankfurt I'm sure Kia will surprise the entire automotive world when people see our new sports coupe concept in the metal." Schreyer was recently awarded an Honorary Doctorate in recognition of his contribution to automotive design by the Royal College of Art (RCA), the UK's pre-eminent school of art and design. The 53-year old Bavarian studied transportation design at the RCA in 1979/80 and worked at Audi and Volkswagen for the next 25 years, producing designs for vehicles such as the Audi TT and the new VW Beetle. Schreyer was appointed to his newly created role of Chief Design Officer at Kia Motors in September 2006. Kia Motors Corporation (www.kia.com) - one of the fastest growing automakers in the world - was founded in 1944 and is Korea's oldest manufacturer of motor vehicles. As part of the Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group, Kia aims to become one of the world's premier automotive brands. Kia's 12 manufacturing and assembly operations in 8 countries produce more than 1.3 million vehicles a year that are sold and serviced through a network of distributors and dealers covering 165 countries. Kia today has over 33,000 employees and annual revenues of almost US$19 billion. It is the major sponsor of the Australian Tennis Open and an official worldwide sponsor of the Davis Cup. From 2007 to 2014, Kia will be an official automotive partner of FIFA - the governing body of the FIFA World Cup. Kia Motors Corporation's brand slogan - "The Power to Surprise" - represents the company's global commitment to surpassing customer expectations through continuousautomotive innovation."

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Qu'est-ce que ça vaut Kia au niveau fiabilité et rapport prix/prestations ? (ce n'est pas une critique, je me renseigne lol )

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La face avant ressemble à une Camaro !  :

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J'suis bien curieux de voir dans quelques années les retour sur la garantie 7ans , soit ils l'ont dépouillée de toute électronique, soit on va bien rigoler .

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kia ds son pays




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