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Commentaires - Concours Peugeot ''La Négoce'' : Des Kisbee 50 cm3 à gagner

Damien Lachaize

Concours Peugeot ''La Négoce'' : Des Kisbee 50 cm3 à gagner

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Ca me plairais grave comme cadeau.


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 I bought a brand new KisBee a week ago on 04/09/10 at the shop in Aix en Provence. I am an MBA student at IAE University in Puyricard, and do not speak French as of yet, just arrived to France 2 3 weeks ago.  From the very first day of KisBee ownership it was a complete fiasco. Scooter was cutting off while i was driving. On the third day it cut off, and never restarted. I had to push it back and pulled my back muscles. Well, the shop was closed, when it reopened on Tuesday, they did not bother to take care of my scooter despite of all the e-mails I sent them. It's been a week now, finally the Peugeot contacted the shop after I complained, and said that they are very sorry and replacing the scooter. Meanwhile, the owner of the shop replaced the batteries on this one, and assured me that it will work fine... it cut off after 7 miles driving it. The peugeot said that I am not lucky. and they are sorry. The scooter is defective! Sorry is not enough. I want compensation for wasted time, missed days at school, having my back damaged that needs medical attention! And as of today, no one contacted me from Peugeot Motorcycle. I only was forwarded their "sorry".

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